Thursday, July 8, 2010

What do you get when see 6 vehicles driving down Hwy 12 carrying 9 moms and 31 kids?
That's right!....
A trip to the....
Children's Museum!

Our weekly playgroup headed in a big caravan to the Children's Museum last Tuesday. Its a BIG deal when all these country folks head to the Big City :)
{Beware!!! Lots of pictures included in the post!!!}
People were asking us what group we were there with....
Just our Toddler Tuesday group! And we just have alot of kids :)

The kids love going...I think every part of it is their FAVORITE!

But  I Think....

Painting their faces was this biggest hit this trip!

But Audrey didn't enjoy getting her face painted...

but wait a minute...

...that's better :)

lovin' those leg warmers!!

"take a picture of me, Mom"

"Hi, Mom!"

So strong

"Bye Mom!"
Owen love "riding the bus"

Clint "manning" the Register

Shop til you drop!


It seemed like every time I looked at Blake he had more paint on his face :)

Love this toothless grin :)

My favorite shot of the day!


  1. I had a good time at the Children's Museum myself! We should go more often! Love Blake's creativity!

  2. Makes me want to go again!!!


  3. Cute! So so cute! Hey, How did Audrey's hospital stay and everything go?
