The Crazy Kids

Clint Benjamin
8 years

Clint is our firstborn. He is such a gentle, soft hearted kid. God sure blessed us with the easy going, easy to please boy that Clint is. He loves his little brothers and sister, and is so helpful in taking care of them. I might be a bit partial but I think he is one good looking young man and smart to boot! I don't know what I would do without this boy! He loves playing and watching football, and his favorite team is defiantly the Vikings! He is interested in archery and is usually outside shooting his bow at the target.

Ethan Christopher
7 years

If you met Ethan you would know right away that his kid has energy! He is always outside working on some project and is going to be a die hard hunter as soon as he is old enough. He is full of adventure, always ready to explore some new frontier. He is so helpful, always ready to help Dad outside on some job or in the house helping Mom. This boy loves life and is excited about everything.

Blake Alexander
5 years

Blake is "One of a kind"! He is 6 1/2. He is ALL BOY! He loves making us all laugh and absolutly loves his little sister- sometimes too much! He loves building things with his Legos and having lots of adventures with Ethan. He love doing school this year. He is very strong willed and knows what he wants in life. He is really a sweet, lovable boy that sometimes feels lost in the middle of all these kids.

Owen Walker
2 1/2 years

Those brown eyes get him out of some big trouble. All he needs to do is give us one of those looks and I melt into those chocolate pools! He is very much a 2 year old and is full of michief.  He loves snuggling and making sure Audrey is doing what he wants and is sure to get after her if she isn't. He loves Daddy, trucks, and trains- in that order!  He loves being outside following his big brothers around, learning all that he can about being a boy from them.

Audrey Elizabeth
1 year

After 4 boys, we didn't expect to have anything but more boys. When we found out I was pregnant, I really thought I was having another boy. We decided not to find out until the baby was born, because either we would be so happy that we had another healthy baby boy or it would be one of the most exciting times in my life if they said "it's a GIRL!". When they did say those words to me it was quite the joyous celebration.

She is running everywhere, tagging along behind her brothers. She loves kitties, baby dolls and getting into her brothers stuff. She is a special little girl with a beautiful smile. She definatly has filled a part of our hearts that only a daughter could.